905-687-7301 34 Catherine Street, St. Catharines, ON L2R 5E7

Role of Student Success

The role of the Student Success Teacher is to facilitate the acquisition of credits for the struggling student.

Working with administration, guidance, and in-school team, the Student Success Teacher identifies the at-risk students, initiates program changes, advocates for students and tracks progress. Often times, there is a need to be creative with timetables, workload, co-op and other alternative educational settings.


  • Anna Belanger – Program Leader for Student Success

Programs and Resources   

  • Student Success room
  • Resource room
  • Catch Up Club
  • Achievement Week
  • Achievement Program
  • Cooperative Education
  • Youth Counselor
  • Native Youth Counselor
  • In-School Success Team
  • School Nurse
  • Specialist High Skills Major
  • Niagara Nutrition Program (lunch and breakfast)
  • IMPACT Program
  • DSBN Alternative Program

Read more on the DSBN Student Success website